Sunday, September 26, 2010

Exploitation vs. Domination

On the last line of page 208 and half way down page 210 Marx begins talking about domination ("Growth of the domination of the bourgeoisie over the working class"). I don't understand the distinction between exploitation and domination. Can someone help me out? Thx


  1. Well when i look at this, i think that domination has to do with ruling over someone but that it does not necessarily mean exploit. Exploitation has to do with using someone or something else for your own selfish means (for profit). Domination is ruling over someone, exploitation is a possible thing rulers can do, but rulers (the dominating people or class) do not have to exploit to in order dominate, but I think have to a ruler or in a place of power to exploit others...

    Hope it helps


  2. I agree with Will that there can be domination without exploitation. I think that domination is to have supremacy over someone, while exploitation is to take advantage of someone. For example, a father may be the head of the family, but that doesn't mean he uses his children for his own benefit. Or, in a couple, one partner may "wear the pants" - so to speak - but this means that he/she has more control and is not necessarily exploiting the other.
